Founders note
Our future should be green and now is the time to create a greener world.
Our demanding consumption pattern negatively impacts the planet with climate change and unhealthy living conditions as a result. To safeguard the earth for ourselves and future generations we urgently need to become more conscious of our lifestyles, the products we buy and the products we offer to the market. I strongly believe that now is the time to give back and create positive change.
Nature inspired me to look at interior design from a new perspective. Combined with a huge drive to make a positive impact on this world, I started a journey to create a 100% truly eco sustainable interior decoration brand, originalhome, to offer you an earth friendly alternative.
Discussing the impact of handcraft heritage Bangladesh
Patricia Khouw, founder of Originalhome, discussing the impact of handcraft heritage Bangladesh with mr. Ramid Hamidullah, Ambassador of Bangladesh in The Netherlands.
Acting responsibly and choosing consistently to minimize the impact on our planet by crafting products by hand, using materials that do not harm the planet and to choose to reduce, reuse and turn waste into stylish interior products. It’s a choice. And not an easy one. We continuously need to find new production methods, overcoming challenges in finding ways to transform waste into functional interior design. It’s a journey and we are not 100% perfect.
I strongly believe that we cannot take care of our planet if we neglect to take care of each other. Planet and people are strongly interconnected. Our day to day consumption patterns affects the makers; often stimulating an unequal distribution of wealth. Therefore I am determined to change this system. We consistently choose to partner with social entrepreneurs in developing countries, that work together sustainably with rural communities to improve job opportunities and fair trade practises. This is of the utmost importance to improve standard of living. And I am proud to say that we are now able to donate at least 20% of our profits back to social causes that benefits the living environment of our producing countries. Learn more in the giving back section.
(Re)connecting with nature is of huge benefit to us all. If we take consciously part in healing the earth and taking care of people, we become part of something positive instead of staying on the path of destruction. I realize that what we do, is something small. But if we do it together, it becomes something big and we create real change. Changing the world starts at the origin, it starts from your home. Your living environment. You make the choice. So choose wisely.
Let’s bring nature home.

Founder Originalhome