To reduce the environmental impact of our products even more, please reevaluate the end-of-life moment of our products.

Before throwing our product away please consider the following options:

Modify the product so you will love it again, like on the 1st day; repainting, customization, new shape.
Or find a new purpose or usage. A lot of our products are multifunctional or can be used outside instead of indoors.
If the product is in good shape, never forget to favor second hand: you can resell the product at a fair price or give it to a social organization or to someone you know who might need it.

Before throwing our product away please consider the following options:

Look carefully if it can be repaired, with simple tools or for a low price so you can increase its lifespan.
Separate the different type of materials if applicable.
Example lampshades: separate the iron from the natural fiber. Iron can be brought to a private recycling company or to your local waste disposal.
Natural fibers can be brought to your municipal waste disposal in the organic section to make sure that it is properly composted.
All wooden products can be used for your own wood heating, except for the painted ones. You can also bring these to your local waste disposal.
The textiles can be brought to a textile trashcan or to a private recycling company.
Glassware should be taken to the recycling bin.

It is always better to avoid putting everything in the household’s waste trash and separate the materials and use the designated trash can.

Packaging: all packaging is recycled and recyclable and can be taken to the recycling bin.